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Membership Renewal

Hong Kong Association of Renal Nurses 香港腎科護士學會


Member Category

1. Full Member 2024 -2025

Any qualified nurses who are currently practising in renal care, or in the management, teaching or research of renal field, or holding recognized renal certificate(s) in Hong Kong, are eligible to apply for Full Membership ONLY. Full Members have the right to vote. Only those who are currently practising in the field can be elected to hold office and serve on committees.


Annual Subscriptions – HK$100


2. Associate Member 2024 -2025

Any health care professionals who show an interest in renal care but who do not meet the requirements for Full Membership are eligible to apply for Associate Membership ONLY. Associate Members will not be entitled to vote nor be elected to hold office nor serve on committees.


Annual Subscriptions – HK$50


3. Retired Member2024 -2025

Full Member who are now retired.


Annual Subscriptions – HK$50


* Full members, Associate members and Retired members should renew the subscription annually.
  All memberships will be expired on 31 March every year and renewal is needed.

(All Payment is non-refundable and non-transferable !)

Membership Plan

Objectives of HKARN


To promote

quality and cost-effective care for renal patients and their families


To promote

the standards of renal nursing practice


To provide

renal nurses with educational opportunities through attending local and overseas workshops and conferences


To provide

channels for rapid information dissemination among renal nurses


To facilitate

renal nursing research